First 420 Together

This was our first 420 with Chong! 
It didn't turn out exactly as planned but what's was an interesting night to say the least 
Cupcakes always have fun! 

420 Eve... Waiting for the Cupcake Bandit to swoop us up...

and off to the 805... farrrrrrr!!!

and we arrive.. why yes blonde chick I would like to hit the bong...

and the joint too...

pshhht go get the girls a snack....


Time to Hit the ROOR

Stop kissing me Bubba Nasty and Roll a Joint!


Hey that's Salam Wreck back there!

Bong of choice the illadelph!

ughhh he's kissing me again! 

got my own bottle of jack,,

and after our Special 420 Jack and Cokes we 
took a two hour nap and headed back to the Valley...

Smoked some more kush

Played some Music

Beat Junkies...Chong Approved

Met up with Cheech, Chong's stunt double Jean outfit Chong, and midget RUN DMC 

Did some whipets with the homies...

Break danced alittle..

made some New Friends..

oh shit it's THOR ! 

Had a drink and a snack 


and time to roll...taking Jean Jacket Chong and Cheech with us... oh and Sandra! (not pictured)   

Taking a Shower and getting pretty....

Look it's Sandra in a towel : )  

Guess the homie Ian's staying home all cozy with the Bug's life blanket 

and while waiting for Sandra to get her booty in the car we see this thing...

smh That's why I only smoke kush 

Finally meet up with the homie Tony 
time to hit the weed shop...

Mirror pics ha

Snoop Dog 

He was a vicious little thing...

a basket of goodies..

Kush Time...

 all Kushed out...

Time to roll... 

Mission Mustache ha....

no Henry were not being followed...

Time to throw on my Pimp jacket smoke a bowl and have a cherry coke 

before we go to Dragonfly...
But first 
Pit stop at the Bandits for a drink..

No sir I will not step into your Van for some Candy...


Going HAM at Dragonfly 
( jean jacket chong doesn't get to have much fun )

Chillin on our patio...longggg ass few days... Happy 420 : ) 

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