Once Upon a Chong...

Once upon a time in a land of  kush, cupcakes, and cash ... The Cupcake Qween and The Cupcake Bandit went on a journey to Miami...the sleepy Cupcakes ...arrived at LAX  at 9:00am for the morning flight. running on 2 hours of sleep, no food, and highhhh,..anyway so the Cupcakes get to the airport and  realize oh no were not sitting next to each other WTF!!! eeek nooo!!! So the Cupcake Qween doesnt like to fly alone so that means she is already plotting on how to make the seat change work...smile hmmm maybe? show some cleavage? always a good idea... Well lets see what happens...So the Cupcakes board the plane and eeek Cupcake Qween is sitting next to the Asian guy from Revenge of the Nerds (not really but he sure looks like him) well this could be an easy target to get the Bandit next to the Qween.....well nope not interested in smiles or boobs he wont even look in the direction of the Qween geez he must be gay! kiddinggg...
Sooooo in the meantime who's gonna sit on the other side..getting worried so here comes this long haired asian guy wearing a Hollywood hat.. thinking just .GREATTTT  Just my luck this tourist is gonna sit right next to me : ( 

Of course he comes and sits right next to me... but he wasnt that happy either cause his seats were f-ed up too! So yada yada yada we get to talking and homie to my right isnt an asian tourist but lives in LA as well, and he's a dope photographer for a well know makeup company, I at this point have a little pez guy that has been traveling around sitting in Cupcakes (real ones) in my hand ...Im about to take his pic on the plane...homie to the right gets excited and pulls out his own misson dolls....
WTFFFFFFF lol it's fuckin Cheech and Chong!!
Now Im excited..we now discuss how the Bandit is the Cheech to my Chong and Vise Versa.

then we start talking about how we don't really like to fly and he was gonna bribe the stewardess with makeup so we can have endless jack and coke on our way to Philly, Oh yes didn't I mention a plane change in Philly? lol yep blahhhh..anyway
Great idea homie to the right..I am thinkin this isn't so bad after all I just need to get my the Bandit back here in place of the asian kid.... 

Sooo the bright idea I come up with is Cupcake Qween: Hey (and I tap him) 
Asian kid: umm ya? 
Cupcake Qween: So I am totally scared to fly and you see my friend shes over there and without her I might start to have these panic attacks and sometimes I throw up sooo do you think you can switch with her?
Asian Kid: oh ya sure sure (he gets up super fast) 
Yessss piece of cake he was so scared of me I didn't even have to bat my eyelashes ; ) 

Yay so now it's my Cupcake Bandit, Me, and Homie to the right, Cheetch, Chong and behind us two members of his crew...Perfecto....
Bring on the jack and coke!

Drink number ones almost gone and now were hungry
Plane ran out of food when they got to us. Of course they put us  trouble makers. in the back of the plane...grrrr! 

oh yes we brought "special" yummy Cheesecake : ) 
 We offered to share with the new homies but they declined..More for us : ) ...

So moving along...
Double fisting was in order

and then here's us and the owner of Cheech and Chong...


oooh it's photoshoot time! she's drunk! 

and more drinks....

So the Cupcakes say bye to the new homies and stumble off to buy some sort of food. Miss Cupcake Qween has to go to the bathroom and drops her hat in the toilet..oops yuck. leaves it there and moves on...
So the Cupcakes stumble and laugh onto the final plane to Miami....

Cupcake Qween was awoken to the Bandit shaking her... "Hyna wake up!!!

Blah I woke up from a how the fuck did I get here kinda sleep...
Oh yay were in Miami I pop up all smiling and happy like.... 

We walk off the plane with big happy faces I unzip my hoody and stuck in my bra is Chong uhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!  Tamar I accidently kidnapped Chong..... 

 Miss Cupcake Qween gets on her phone and texts the owner of Chong and lets him know that he's was acidently BoobyNapped but he's safe and well he's on a mission with us now.. (Chong loves to hang out with the hot chicks anyway)

Later Dudes......I'm rolling with the Cupcakes....
and well our adventure begins.